הדמיות תלת מימד עבור התחרות :

סוג: בית ספר לעיצוב 6b
מקום: תל אביב
תכנית: סטטי בתנועה
צילום: גלית דויטש
הפרויקט התפרסם ב: designboom , L+D revista de arquitetura | Brazil , Static Movement | Cut-it-Art , folio | Mexico
פרטים על הפרויקט
The immobility of the structure, a 1920′ preserved eclectic building, versus the daily flow of design students into it, led to the concept “Static Movement”. The idea was to create an awareness of movement while entering the building, as opposed to the stillness of the structure. To create a whole new experience for the vast amount of design students entering and exiting the ‘6B Studio’ design school, situated in the centre of Tel-Aviv. As this is a preserved building, elements inside the structure were not allowed to be changed – the windows, for example, their size and material were to stay intact; and even the railing of the interior building could not be changed. So, instead, a fresh coat of dark grey paint was put to the decorated railing and the hand rail itself sanded to its original wood material. The renovation focused on the long and high entrance wall leading to the first floor, where the secretariat and study halls are situated, an area all students pass in and out during study hours. It included a full renovation of the corridor as well, on the first floor, an area connecting these various halls. To achieve that ‘Static Movement’, aluminium strips were used. Each strip was planned, drawn, and cut individually using a laser cutting machine. The staircase wall consists of two layers of these strips, approx.100 strips all together, each layer having approx.50 pieces. Another 50 were used for the corridor design, where carpentry work was also incorporated. Integrating a wooden box for shelves within the aluminium, the space became a useful info stand for students to browse various brochures etc. When superimposing one layer over the other, and tilting one layer by a few degrees, it creates a moiré effect – a flow, ripple, an illusion of movement. This moiré effect (pattern) can be found in a variety of design aspects – architecture, fashion, graphics and more, and it is, therefore, relevant to the ‘6B Studio’ design school, as these are all study courses offered there. Photos: Galit Deutsch
הדמיות תלת מימד עבור התחרות :